

Dignity is a human right

653,100 Americans are homeless and needlessly suffering tonight

1 in every 588 Americans is homeless.

256,610 people will sleep on the street across the USA tonight (HUD 2023).

39.3% of homeless people are unsheltered (HUD 2023).

The ten states with the highest homeless rates account for 55% of the homeless population - CA, NY, FL, TX, WA, MA, OR, PA, IL, CO.

18% are chronically homeless (HUD 2018).

7% are unaccompanied youth under 25 (HUD 2018).

7% are veterans (HUD 2018).

American Homeless Map

Facts & Statistics About Homelessness in the USA

Every night thousands of Americans are putting their life at risk by sleeping on the street. No ones thinks they will end up homeless and can be traumatic when it does happen.

12.1% increase in homeless people between 2022 and 2023.

653,104 Americans are Homeless today (HUD 2023).

256,610 people will sleep on the street across the USA tonight (HUD 2023).

US Homeless statistics
Homeless statistics
Homeless Children and Youth statistics
Gender Statistics of homeless people
Homeless People In The US
US Housing Crisis and Homeless

What Homeless Americans do to Survive on the Street

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