

Save homeless lives across the USA

Your Tax Deductible Donation

Donation Methods
Homeless Americans need your help. Backpack Bed for Homeless is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Your tax deductible donation will help the most needy of needy, people that sleep on the street.

Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Donate One Time

Donate Multiple

Your Donation Helps the Homeless

Gift any amount
You choose the amount that you want to donate to help a homeless person in need. Your donation helps us assist people sleeping on the streets.

You can change the amount you donate at any time depending on your situation. This gives you a greater level of control over your ability to help.
Gifts are Tax Deductible
Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent alloed by the law. So you’re cutting down your taxable income while helping someone in need.
You’re Helping Someone in Need
193,000 Americans will sleep on our streets tonight. While there are homeless shelters, they are usually full and sometimes more dangerous then sleeping on the streets.

Your donation will help someone sleep safer on the streets each night and help give their dignity back. This not only keeps them safer but can help save their life.

Your Impact - Social Return on Investment (SROI)

Every $144 Backpack Bed = $3,319 in Community Impact
For every Backpack Bed distributed to a homeless person without shelter, we deliver $3,319 in savings to the community in health, employment and justice costs. More than $123 million of social impact has been provided by helping homeless on our streets (source: 180 Degrees Consulting, 2018).

Other ways to help

You can fundraise to raise awareness and money for the homeless crisis. For more information on fundraising ideas or to start your event please visit our fundraiser for us page.

Leave a Bequest
Writing a will ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes. Leaving a gift in your will to your favourite cause is a lovely gesture and is easier than you think to arrange. Visit our bequests page for more information.

Workplace Giving
Does your employer dollar match your donations? Many do – making your donation go further.

Donate Cryptocurrency
You can donate Bitcion, Ethereum, Litecoin + more to help homeless.

Amazon Smile
You can select Backpack Bed for Homeless as your designated charity - which means you are supporting homeless everytime you shop on Amazon.

Donor Advised Funds
Your Donor Advised Fund can make a practical difference through funding Backpack Bed emergency beds for local homeless.

501(c)(3) Homeless Charity


Backpack Bed for Homeless Inc is a 501(c)(3) charity.
Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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