Dignity is a human right

The Global Homeless Crisis
Questions about Homelessness
Homeless people and unhoused people (without shelter) are in all communities, towns and cities. They are people, like you and I.
Individuals and families living in accommodation which falls below general community standards:
- Detrimental to physical and mental well-being
- No access to personal amenities
- No security, privacy or autonomy
- On the streets and parks
- Under bridges, sheds, sporting grounds, bus shelters, doorways
- In abandoned buildings
- In cars
- With friends or extended family
- Emergency accommodation & youth refuges
- Boarding houses, caravan parks or hotels
Nobody wants to live on the streets - humans are not built for it.
- Accident at work
- Family problems – violence, sexual abuse, assault
- Relationship breakdown
- Periods of mental illness
- Gambling addiction
- Drug and alcohol addiction
- Unemployment / Financial problems / Eviction
- People without basic goods can be driven to petty crime.
- Some are forced into sexual exploitation.
- The above often leads to various forms of substance abuse and addiction - all of which promotes a wide array of desperate behaviour… involving substantial problems and costs for our community.