Your legacy can give dignity to those most in need
Your Bequest to HELP Homeless

Making a Will
No one likes to think about their own death but it is important to make a Will to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes. A charitable deduction may also help reduce your estate tax liability. Including a gift to your favourite charity is one way to continue your support.
There are 3 kinds of bequests
1. Specific Bequest - a certain amount of cash, securities, or property.
2. Percentage Bequest - a stated percentage of your estate.
3. Residual (“Remainder”) Bequest - all or a portion of what remains of your estate after specific and general bequests are distributed.
Example Testamentary / Bequest Language
For your gift to Backpack Bed for Homeless Inc. we recommend the following wording for your legal adviser's consideration:
In Memorium Fundraising
If you are considering fundraising in Memory of a loved one - we appreciate your support at this difficult time for you and your family.
You can quickly setup an online fundraising page in minutes to honor your loved one. Please contact us if we can be of assistance.