

Dignity is a human right

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Homeless

Homelessness has been a rampant issue in America. 193,000 Americans will sleep on the streets TONIGHT. Many homeless people suffer from chronic illness – making them more vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19. With the impact of COVID-19 on citizen’s […]
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Why The Homeless Deserve To Have Pets

Ever notice how having a pet can bring so many benefits to a person’s life? Pets signify hope and happiness regardless of the situation you’re in. These creatures of joy can brighten up your day, especially with their innocence and […]
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Famous Actors Who Were Homeless

Actors, singers, and famous TV personalities are admired by many. They become an inspiration for others to achieve the same dreams in life. But before fame and popularity, some of these celebrities were average people. In fact, most of them […]
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