
No American should be
without shelter this

You and your family can be Santa this year

Gift Card Sample Image (15 x 22 in)

Donate to help a homeless person this Christmas

The perfect Christmas gift helps a person sleeping in the streets and your $110 donation is tax deductible.

194,467 Americans like Paul will sleep on our streets tonight.

This makes folks like Paul vulnerable to physical illness, suicide, mental health problems, violence and lack of sleep.

When Paul received his Backpack Bed he described it as being “like Christmas for me”.

Your Christmas donation will help us get more emergency Backpack Beds out on the street so that people get dignified assistance.

Backpack Beds SAVE LIVES

Backpack Bed for Homeless partners with homeless services across the USA to distribute our study proven Backpack Beds to street sleeping homeless without shelter.

Improves Dignity

Improves Health

Improves Sleep

Improves Comfort

Improves Warmth

Improves Safety

Backpack Bed - lightweight

Lightweight 6.6lbs

Street tough material

Full Body Protection 50px

Full Body Protection

4 season summer & winter


Fire Retardant

Fabric + Mattress 6ft 2" x 22"


Water & Wind Proof

Protects against winter chills

Mosquito Net LARGE 50px

Full Body Mosquito Net

Stop bites on hot summer nights


Ergonomic Backpack

Adjustable shoulder & chest straps

50px_ White_NEW_pocket(1)

Storage Pockets

4 pockets - store over 44lb


Secret lockable pocket

With brass key lock

You can make a difference this Christmas


Our Backpack Bed program is not funded.
Your powerful donation will help us give more Backpack Beds to people like Brad. 

Fact. There are not enough shelters and governments ignore the basic human right to shelter and dignity.

552,830 Americans are homeless and needlessly suffering tonight.

194,467 people will sleep on American streets TONIGHT.

18% are chronically homeless.

7% are unaccompanied youth under 25.

7% are veterans.
(Source: Jan 2018 HUD)

Gift Card Sample Image (15 x 22 in)

Gift Card for a Backpack Bed


Why gift a donation this Christmas - teach your kids the meaning of giving

"This year I am donating a gift card to each of my grandkids. I want to teach them why it's important to think of others - and that Christmas is not just about receiving presents. This year has been hard for everyone, which is why it's even more important to tell our kids there are other people in the world that aren't as blessed as we are."
Jennifer, grandmother 

Parents and grandparents can show their family that together they can make a difference to the community and Americans sleeping on our streets. The information on the back of our gift card helps you explain to your family the true meaning of Christmas. It is the perfect gift to put under your Christmas tree this year.

How your donated Backpack Bed makes a difference

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