About Us | Backpack Bed For Homeless Charity


Dignity is a human right


This year 45,800+ Aussies will sleep on our streets (ABS 2021).


Up to 21% of street sleeping homeless have suffered hypothermia, frostbite or trenchfoot (MS2H 2011).


92% of Backpack Bed recipients expect to sleep on the street for more than a week.


Backpack Beds are 100% funded by public donations. Your donation is tax deductible.


This year 45,800+ Aussies will sleep on our streets (ABS 2021).


Up to 21% of street sleeping homeless have suffered hypothermia, frostbite or trenchfoot (MS2H 2011).


92% of Backpack Bed recipients expect to sleep on the street for more than a week.


Backpack Beds are 100% funded by public donations. Your donation is tax deductible.


Australia’s highest honour
– Best Community Organisation 
Awarded by the Australian Human Rights Commission.

Established in Melbourne 2007, Backpack Bed for Homeless (Swags for Homeless Ltd.) is a national homeless charity. We help the homeless via answering the question of what to do when homeless have no shelter.

Founder Tony Clark and his wife Lisa designed the life-saving Sleeping Bag Hypothermia Pack and the Backpack Bed® (emergency swag) to give dignity to homeless people without shelter.

"With only 3 full time staff – we work incredibly hard. We believe there is no greater gift, than giving someone dignity." Tony & Lisa Clark

Driven by demand.

Donations made in Australia are used in Australia. The social impact of our program has been calculated as $3,319 / Backpack Bed - which equates to more than $123m of social impact across Australia (Source: 180 Degrees Consulting, 2018). 

Testament to success, the Backpack Bed Program has successfully been implemented in 8 countries – Australia, USA, UK, NZ, Germany, Canada, South Africa and Spain.

7 International Product Design Awards + Acquired by 4 Museums


Partner Homeless Agencies

Join our 850+ Homeless Agency Partners to distribute Backpack Bed emergency beds.

Our Goals

To nationally improve, support and bring dignity to homeless people.

To establish, conduct and manage projects focused on the homeless.

Provide a Backpack Bed to every street sleeping homeless person without shelter.

Professionally registered with:

Financial Responsibility

Audited every year. Backpack Bed for Homeless is a registered national charity (DGR item 1 & PBI). Your donation over $2 is tax deductible. We are not government funded. Click here to view our official Government registrations.


UN Global Compact Signatory

Backpack Bed for Homeless is a signatory to the UN Global Compact. We follow the 10 principles in the areas of: Human Rights Labour, Environment, and Anti-corruption. We are also working towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Tony Clark Human Rights Winner_400sq

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