Proven by 1,000+ Homeless Agencies
Our $115 Study Proven Backpack Bed - saves lives tonight
Over 122,000 Australians are homeless today. There is not enough crisis accomodation for people that desperately need it.
Our study proven Backpack Bed is a portable tent & backpack in one:
- Provides $3,319 in community savings in health, justice and employment costs (180 Degrees Consulting, 2018).
- Improves homeless peoples Dignity, Health (physical and mental), Sleep, Warmth, Comfort and Safety.
- Connects each recipient with their local Homeless Agency - we partner with 1,000+ Homeless Agencies across Australia.
Homeless use our Reply Paid Postcards
Inside EVERY Backpack Bed is our Reply Raid Postcard (sponsored / postage paid by Australia Post).
This allows street sleeping homeless people using our Backpack Bed to let us know the impact and difference the Backpack Bed has made to their life on our streets.