

Dignity is a human right

Tom's World Walk fundraiser for backpack bed for homeless charity.

Tom’s World Walk – walking over 15,000km for charity

Donate to Homeless via Tom’s World Walk LATEST – Congratulations, well done Tom!It’s not too late to make your donation. Tom’s World Walk – sees Tom Fremantle walking over 15,000 km across the world. After walking Australia by late September, […]
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Homelessness Among Former Prisoners In Australia

It’s no secret that homelessness is a significant problem in Australia. Statistics show that there was a 30% increase in homelessness in Australia compared to the previous decade1. Ex-prisoners are also an overrepresented group in the homeless population. Major Factors […]
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People Sleeping On Our Streets

People sleeping on the street or sleeping rough are the most visible homeless people. Sometimes people are living on the street as there are no other options available to them (e.g. crisis accommodation is full) or other problems (such as […]
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Where Do Homeless People Sleep?

Homelessness is a growing social concern all over Australia. With more than 122,500 Australians being homeless on Census night 2021, you can only imagine how serious this problem is. There are no homelessness definitions that are internationally agreed upon. Thus, […]
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10 Shocking Facts About Homelessness

Having a place to call home isn’t just about living inside four walls and a roof. A house is a foundation of security and safety. It’s a basic need that everyone must-have. Unfortunately, approximately 1 in 200 Australians find themselves […]
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