Why Backpack Beds - Backpack Bed for Homeless Australia


Dignity is a human right


How would you want to be treated? You are homeless, you need shelter and something to carry your belongings.
With this, came invention: a 'Backpack' with storage that rolls out into an all-weather protected 'Bed'.

© Stephen White
© Stephen White

Homelessness can be caused by

Family and Domestic violence

Mental health issues

Limited housing / rental properties

Housing stress - inflation, interest rates

Physical health issue e.g. accident at work and bills mount up

Loss of employment, under-employment or inability to gain a new job

Traumatic Experiences e.g. being homeless as a child or developing PTSD

Drug and alcohol addiction (an RMIT University study showed that 50% of homeless with adiction problems got them AFTER being homeless)

One or a combination of these factors can lead to someone becoming homeless. Sometimes homelessness can occur due to someone moving to a new area and losing their job, and not having any support to help. Other times it can be something as simple as not being able to afford housing.

Homelessness can affect anyone at any time. The tiniest life change can cause someone to lose everything they have in a blink of an eye. It's a terrible place for anyone to be in as you will never know what will happen to you on the streets.

Whatever the reason - Australians sleeping on our streets need immediate shelter to survive.

Backpack Beds are a crisis measure that give life saving shelter

Study proven

Keeps homeless alive with dignity

Over 1,000 Homeless Agency experts confirm Backpack Bed emergency beds work

Improve homeless people's Dignity, Health, Sleep, Warmth, Comfort and Safety for people on our streets.

Connect people with their local homeless agency for ongoing support.


Fact. Everyone deserves dignity

Human Rights – are not optional. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states all people deserve:

The right to dignity

The right to shelter

The right to health


The Backpack Bed emergency bed program was recognised by the Australian Human Rights Commission for the shelter and dignity provided to street sleeping homeless.



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