Foundation Donations and Grants - Backpack Bed for Homeless


Help us give dignity

Make your mark - HELP homeless

Thank you for considering making a donation or grant to Backpack Bed for Homeless.

Backpack Bed for Homeless is a national homeless charity.

We help street sleeping homeless people - providing Backpack Beds and Fire retardant Sleeping Bags.

Registered DGR Item 1 & PBI.

Registered ACNC charity.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible.


About the Charity


Backpack Bed for Homeless is a national homeless charity providing Backpack Bed and Fire retardant Sleeping bags to street sleeping homeless people without shelter.

  • Established 2007
  • Independent unpaid board
  • Yearly ASIC registered auditor.
  • Our program is not government funded.

Our Program


Across Australia we partner with over 850+ homeless agencies to reach homeless people without shelter and save lives.

We partner with Homeless Agencies such as:

  • Street Outreach
  • Drop in Centres
  • Street Doctors and nurses
  • Emergency / crisis accomodation (when they are full turning people away)
  • Other homeless Agencies
  • Hospital Emergency Departments
  • Maigrates Courts (social workers)

The demand for our emergency relief Backpack Beds and Fire Retardant Sleeping Bags outweighs our fundraising each year.

Your Foundation, Family Trust or Giving Fund can make a difference today.

Backpack Bed

$115 / homeless person

All Weather Backpack Bed front-min

A lightweight backpack that rolls out into an all-weather protected bed with a mattress.

Study Proven to improve dignity, sleep, health, self-esteem, warmth and comfort.

Social Return on Investment (SROI) every Backpack Bed provides  $3,319 in the areas of health, employment and justice.
(source: 180 Degrees consulting 2018)

Fire Retardant
Sleeping Bag

$35 / homeless person


Our Fire Retardant Sleeping Bag is distributed to homeless people as part of a Hypothermia Pack. Designed to meet homeless needs:

  • 330gsm ThermalTrex® Fire Retardant Polar Fleece
  • Dark blue for camouflage.
  • Super warm + lightweight.
  • Hygienic + Machine washable + Fast drying.
  • Zipped along 2 edges - opens flat.
  • Meets numerous safety & quality standards.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Align your Foundations goals with your donations.
Backpack Bed for Homeless is a signatory to the UN Global Compact.


The charity follows the 10 principles in the areas of: Human Rights Labour, Environment, and Anti-corruption.

Backpack Bed for Homeless are also working towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Goal 3:  Good health and well-being.
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production.
Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions.
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals.

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