DONATE1 Sleeping Bag+ ALL Program Costs

1 Sleeping Bag
+ ALL Program Costs


1 Sleeping Bag and ALL Program Costs

Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+
SKU: DONATION $35 Category: Tags: , ,

Tax deductible Donation

Backpack Bed for Homeless partners with over 750 Homeless agencies for distribution of Sleeping Bags and Backpack Beds to homeless without shelter.

When an emergency shelter is full for the night or a homeless person visits a health / mental health service they can receive a life saving help.

Basically, we keep street sleeping homeless people alive with dignity – while they wait for shelter, programs and government to kick in.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia.

1 Homeless sleeping bag:
$35 / homeless person (sleeping bag + program costs)
NOTE: This is not a shipped item. We distribute the Homeless Sleeping Bag to an Australian homeless person via outreach workers, crisis accommodation (when full), street doctors and nurses and other homeless services.