Tom’s World Walk - walking over 15,000km for charity - Backpack Bed for Homeless Australia


Dignity is a human right

Tom’s World Walk – walking over 15,000km for charity

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Tom’s World Walk – sees Tom Fremantle walking over 15,000 km across the world.

After walking Australia by late September, next comes New Zealand, Iceland, Holland and on to the London finish line.

Walk across Australia - Charity, fundraising, Tomls walk, backpack bed for homelessTom’s arduous Australian leg sees Tom walking over 4,000 km from Perth to Sydney – raising desperate funds for Aussie homeless charity Backpack Bed for Homeless.

Tom has already walked from Perth and is now past Mildura on his way to Sydney.

Tom chose Backpack Bed for Homeless because of his Aussie mate, Phil - a veteran, who is involved with the welfare of vulnerable homeless veterans.

National charity Backpack Bed for Homeless provides study proven / life-saving emergency Backpack Beds and machine washable Fire Retardant Sleeping Bags to homeless sleeping on our streets without shelter.

Tom is a teacher and writer, who has written several published travel books. He is currently undertaking Tom’s World Walk – to raise funds for several charities including Backpack Bed for Homeless.

“Tom has a determined heart to do what is critical to help charities he is walking for in each country.  Aussie homeless join us saying thank you Tom”
Tony Clark founder of Backpack Bed for Homeless.

About Tom  

  • Tom’s previous adventures include a bicycle ride between England and Australia, a hike across the American Deep South with Browny the kick-happy mule and a canoe trip down the River Niger in West Africa.
  • This current World Walk has already taken Tom through the US, UK, Europe, Middle East, Ukraine and Asia.
  • After an unanticipated break due to COVID-19 Tom’s walk is back in full swing.
  • Tom travels light with a trusting spirit and a small hiking cart to carry his camping and cooking gear.

Latest Homeless Stats

  • Today 122,494 Aussies are homeless.1
  • 45,800 Australians will sleep on our streets this year.2
  • 2021-22 over 81,000 requests for accommodation from homeless across Australia
    were not met.3

Backpack Bed for Homeless

  • Backpack Bed for Homeless is a national Australian charity (DGR tax deductible).
  • A$110 fire retardant Backpack Bed is an ergonomic Backpack that rolls out into a 3-window tent with a built-in mattress & full body mosquito mesh (for hot nights).
  • A $35 permanently Fire Retardant Sleeping Bag (machine washable polar fleece).
  • Over 37,000 Backpack Beds and 16,000 Fire Retardant Sleeping Bags
  • Every $110 Backpack Bed provides $3,319 in community savings in the areas of health and justice; creating $120M in taxpayer savings.4
  • Received Australia’s highest honour - the Australian Human Rights Award for Best Community Organisation in 2011.
  • Backpack Beds improve dignity, health, comfort and warmth - and have provided over 4 million nights of dignified sleep to Aussies sleeping on our streets.5
  • Testament to the Backpack Bed Program has reached the USA, UK, New Zealand, Germany, Canada and Spain.
  • The Backpack Bed has been awarded seven international product design awards.
  • The Backpack Bed has been acquired by four international museums (Sydney, Paris, Italy and Germany).
  • Founder Tony Clark and his wife Lisa Clark designed the life-saving Backpack Bed – which today is saving the lives of thousands of homeless across the world.
  • Despite homeless success - the charity receives no government funding.

Fire Retardant Sleeping Bag


Backpack Bed

Layer 4

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Tom's World Walk
Live Map - find Tom      Tom's live tracking map


  1. ABS 2021.
  2. ABS 2021.
  3. AIWH 2022.
  4. 180 Degrees Consulting 2018.
  5. Calculation based on ABS 2014, General Social Survey.

Backpack Bed for Homeless

Backpack Bed for Homeless is a national Australian charity that provides life saving Backpack Beds to street sleeping homeless people without shelter.  The Backpack Bed is a lightweight portable waterproof bed that rolls into a backpack.  Backpack Beds improve dignity, sleep, health, warmth, comfort and safety.  Please consider a tax deductible donation.

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